Boundless Universe Role Play Wiki

Welcome to the Boundless Universe Role Play Wiki

All information regarding the world(s) of Boundless Universe Role-Play and its functions, in and out of character.

What is Role-Play?

Role play is something we have all done in our growing phases. We've played various positions mimicking life around us in a game of House, took on professions like Doctor or Fireman, and incorporated it into more games like Cops and Robbers. As we grow older we lose the play aspect---well most of the time. Story tellers give us roles to play when we're deep into a book as the character or watcher of one, games have us puppet the actions of one or more. Role-play communities range through varied genres, from putting your own twist on your favorite tv show/movie/book/game to making something completely unique with your friends. There are different types such as full costume play (Live Action Role Play-- "LARP"), table top (Dungeons and Dragons), and text rp. This is an activity for all ages, though there are communities aimed for the more mature range.

Boundless Universe is a text rp site, where you write and describe your character and their actions while interacting with others who do the same. The experience is enriching, encouraging you to write better and is the cheapest book you'll ever buy because the story never ends. It is also challenging as you try to convey what is happening and describing to someone enough that they can respond adequately.

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